Enough is enough

We're tired of it!

We cringe when we see it.

We roll our eyes when we hear it.

We are bombarded by
fluffy magazines
false advertising claims
dreadful customer service
worthless websites
Fear of conversation
Poor design
Unoriginal design and creativity

In the Frum community, we are always a bit behind on the adoption curve.
The business world around us is starting to adapt to the internet age.
The smart businesses are realizing that the blogging community is quite powerful in getting the message out.
Lies and bad service spread like wildfire.
The cost of getting new customers is higher than that of keeping them happy.
Noise and interruption cause people to tune out from your message.

But why does it bother us so much? Why do we patronize Jewish or Frum businesses anyway?
Because we feel a sense of community. Family.
That's why we feel angry when this connection is  taken advantage of.

If you think about it, commerce is really part of life in general.

People say - "Business is business", "Keep religion out of it".
I say - We live in one world (at least right now). Why live 2 ways when you can enmesh your personality and your ethics into one entity? Doesn't it make you feel more authentic?

I humbly feel that we can use a new movement.
A movement that works in tandem with whatever our standard of ethics is.
It is a movement towards more transparency in business and service.
Towards better forms of communication between customer and provider.
To a customer/user centered focus.
Cleaner and more functional websites.
Strong brands.
Breathtaking design and materials.

These concepts are only too slowly permeating our community, but it is starting to happen.
The movement is really but a silent one, but in fact, it is already underway - forced by the hand of those who are empowering themselves, whether we like it or not. The blogs and such are not going away. It is up to us to embrace this change which will empower us to be truer to ourselves since the bar is now higher. Besides, it is good for business anyway.

This blog will highlight those companies and services that "get it".
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